Jul 31, 2019 | Announcements/News
نحن فخورن بدعم مشروعنا من طرف الشركة المغربية لتصميم و نجارة الالومنيوم PYXEL. هذا الدعم يتمثل اساسا في البيرگولا البيئية SUNWAY اللتي تتاقلم مع الطقس. We are proud to announce that PYXEL www.aluminiumpyxel.com agreed to sponsor our solar house via the bioclimatic...
Oct 8, 2018 | About Inter House, Announcements/News
Welcome to the Inter House Team! We are excited to be on this journey toward the Solar Decathlon Africa and cannot wait to share the experience with you. Three months ago, our team came about joining this competition through some strange circumstances to say the least...