The Inter House Team is an international collaboration that demonstrates the possibility of living sustainably and affordably while encouraging student education and leadership, cross-cultural design, and innovation. These contributors have assisted the Inter House Team with this goal, along with building our house, sending systems and students to Morocco, and being true competitors at the 2019 Solar Decathlon Africa.  

We will continue to gratefully accept in-kind donations for our competition and continued efforts. If you are interested in contributing to the Inter House in this way, please visit our Contact Us page or contact Jeremiah Pisarra, Financial Manager, at


Terawatt ($20,000+)


Gigawatt ($10,000-$19,999)



Megawatt ($5,000-$9,999)

Energy Minor Mines

Energy Minor Program


Kilowatt ($1,000-$4,999)


Ethan Palay



Watt ($1-$999)


·        Renewable Energy Systems

·        Deb Ohno

·        Landon Crowe

·        Rita Lewison Singer

·        Kim Schneider

·        Mark Schneider

·        Amy Kusek

·        Chris King

·        Mines Foundation/GiveCampus

·        Tyler Zancanella

·        Katy Hogoboom

·        Jennifer Pisarra

·        Jamie Pisarra

·        Colleen Moeller

·        James Moeller

·        Jeremiah Pisarra

·        Karen Eaton

·        Thomas Kean

·        Timothy Moeller

·        Sandra Doty

·        James Gray

·        Mary Kean

·        Jason Allen

·        May Ohno

·        Timothy Moeller

·        Michael Blonsky

·        Ripe Inc.

·        Tim Ohno

·        Ryan Reschak

·        Tyson Cox

·        Tracey Ballast

·        Stephanie Caulk

·        Eleanor Taylor

·        VeeAnder Mealing

·        James Horan

·        Gottier

·        Toni Gibson

·        Christian Amundson

·        Audrey Monti

·        Jennifer Monti

·        Jake Davel

·        Hugh and Michelle Harvey

·        John Davel

·        Paul D Romary

·        Terry Mangold

·        Tracy Minter

·        Rana Bentley

·        Janis Carier

·        Mary Miller

·        AMC Theatres

·        Colorado Renewable Energy Society

·        Save Home Heat Co.

·        AE Building Systems



Volunteers and Mentors


·       Emu Systems (Mariana Pickering and Enrico Bonilauri

·       Chris Ramsey

·       Randy Bachman

·       Todd Collins

·       Ben and Ty Newell

·       Bill Lucas-Brown

·       Karsten Electric

·       Golden Solar

·       Renee Ereckson

·       Colorado School of Mines Moving Volunteers

·  Lydia Prather